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Digital Marketing Services Description

Social Media Marketing

Forty percent of businesses have no social media presence despite the ever-increasing popularity of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others.
At this very moment, your prospects are scrolling their social media feeds. In fact, people spend an average of two hours on social media every single day.
Just imagine building and executing a fool-proof social media marketing strategy to efficiently reach your potential customers on these platforms!
This will help you build a long-lasting relationship with your audience, increase brand awareness, deliver an outstanding customer experience, establish thought leadership, and so much more.

Social Media Advertising

But without social media, most of your potential customers have no idea you exist.
They don’t follow you on Instagram, and they haven’t liked your Facebook business page.
Your business won’t miraculously pop up in their social media feeds.
The best way to reach out to them quickly? All hail social media advertising!
Running paid ads on social media platforms allows you to reach the right audience – the ones who are most likely to purchase your products and services, helping you boost your business’s conversion rate, sales, and profit margin at a faster pace.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

“SEO is like a resume. You polish it, so
you have your best foot forward.”
– Matt Cutts, Google

Ninety percent of your potential customers won’t come across your business if it doesn’t appear on Google’s first page for relevant keywords.

Want to attract high-quality traffic to your website and convert them into paying customers/clients? Say hello to Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO will help you attract high-quality traffic to your website, boost your brand visibility on the search engines, and contribute towards delivering an outstanding customer experience, which will help you generate more leads, close more clients/customers, stay ahead of your competitors, build credibility, and establish brand awareness.


Local SEO

Wondering how to attract more and more customers in your neighborhood? Local SEO is something you should focus on. In today’s digital era, people spend hours online. Whether they are looking for a plumber to fix their leaking pipes or a dentist to treat their tooth decay, they’ll head online and look for the best services near them.

If they are looking for a dentist, they’ll type something like “Best Dentist Near Me” or “Top Dental Clinics Near Me.” Or “Best Dentist in {Neighbourhood}” For example, “Best Dentist in Arlington.”

So, if you are a dentist, you’d want to appear at the top for such keywords, and that’s what Local SEO will help you with.

Market Strategy

While building a strong online presence is crucial, the first and most important step is to develop a heavily researched and well-planned marketing strategy that comprises your business’s key value proposition, key brand messaging, target market, industry, customer demographics, and numerous other crucial high-level elements.

This strategy will help you understand your target audience, learn your marketplace, expose your strengths and weaknesses, build a strategic approach to brand awareness, gain clarity on where you currently stand, and most importantly, align your business goals with sales and marketing. 

Building a well-thought-out marketing strategy is the key to running high-converting marketing campaigns, so before you dive straight in, step back for a moment and arm yourselves with market knowledge.

Content Marketing

“Traditional marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star, whereas content marketing is showing them you’re one.”
Today, building a long-lasting relationship with your audience is crucial. That’s the only thing that will help you scale your business and boost your profit margin.
Content marketing is a pull-based approach where you’ll be focusing on your audience’s pain points and delivering them a truly meaningful solution, rather than pushing your services in front of your audience.
If you are a plumber, rather than mindlessly pushing your plumbing services in front of your audience, you can deliver solutions by publishing blog posts, videos, and webinars revolving around leaking pipes or faulty faucets to showcase your expertise.
With content marketing, you’ll be focusing on your audience’s pain points and delivering them an actual solution to their problems, boosting your chances of converting them into paying clients/customers.

Video Marketing

I can’t remember a day when I didn’t watch a YouTube video within an hour of waking up.
People watch videos all the time, and if you want to engage your prospects and customers even more, video marketing is the way to go.
Demand for video content is at an all-time high, with 54% of consumers wanting to see more video content from the businesses they support.
From explainer videos to tutorials to video testimonials to video ads, video marketing will help you engage your audience, influence buying decisions, boost conversion rates, encourage social shares, and achieve higher search engine rankings.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest marketing tactics, but when done right, it is still very relevant today.

In fact, for every $1 you spend running email marketing campaigns, you can expect an average return of $42.

Whether it’s your first time putting yourself in front of your audience or you want to convert your leads into paying customers, running a smartly executed email marketing campaign will deliver a strong ROI, help you boost your conversion rate, and grow your business.

The reasons why email marketing is one of the most beloved digital marketing channels are its ability to deliver targeted messages, drive revenue, reach a global audience, and nurture leads.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

It’s the era of search engines. Whether it’s Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other search engine, these platforms allow people to tap into a world of information right at their fingertips.

Before purchasing your products or services, nearly 81% of your potential consumers will carry out thorough online research, which means today’s consumers have a high purchasing intent.

With SEM, you can leverage your consumers’ online behavior and place your ads right in front of them when they are looking for products/services you sell. This will put your brand in front of your target audience at the right moment.

Display Advertising

If you love browsing the Internet, you’ll have noticed display ads popping up across different websites, apps, or social media channels. Upon clicking on these ads, the user will be redirected to a landing page or website.

If you run an E-Commerce store, you can run display advertising campaigns on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) basis.

Some of the reasons why display advertising works include:

  • Eye-catching and appealing
  • Retarget interested consumers
  • Budget-friendly
  • Familiarize the intended audience with your business/brand
  • Reach consumers on the go


Community Management

“Community management will bring your brand to life online: like it’s a real person having a real personality behind real interactions.”

In a world where we are connected more than ever, it’s disappointing that we often feel more disconnected than we did in the past. This is true for both personal and professional relationships.

The reason behind this disconnect is a lack of community. A community is what brings people together and provides them with a sense of belonging, which is why an ever-increasing number of brands are pouring in their top dollars towards community management.

Building a community around your customers, employees, partners, and other stakeholders helps businesses build one-on-one and one-to-many relationships, boost customer interactions, learn more about their customers, provide top-notch customer support, and deliver value.

E-Commerce Marketing

Want to bring in more high-quality traffic to your E-Commerce store and turn as many of them as possible into paying customers?

With the World Wide Web crawling with 12-24 million E-Commerce stores, making your presence known has become a whole lot tougher.

If you have recently launched your E-Commerce store or are struggling with your sales, you need to drive awareness via different marketing channels like social media, search engines, blog, etc.

Alongside social media, email, and content marketing, E-Commerce marketing helps you drive awareness and bring in more sales, contributing towards your store’s growth.

Influencer Marketing

Just imagine a popular influencer promoting your products or services on their social media channels and the number of people they will reach.

With the ever-increasing popularity of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, numerous influencers like Cole Sprouse, Chiara Ferragni, Camila Coelho, Lauren Conrad, and Kylie Jenner have managed to build an impressive fan-following on social media platforms.

Their followers from all across the world love interacting with them and staying updated.

As a result, many businesses/brands worldwide reach out to the influencers within their niche and ask them to promote their products and services, which is what influencer marketing is.

Text Message Marketing

Seventy percent of prospects and clients prefer texting over other communication forms.

And you can listen to your customers by communicating with them the way they prefer.

The reason why text marketing works is that it’s fast, easy, and convenient. It focuses on direct interactions that are short and on-point.

And the best part?

Your consumers don’t have to install any application on their end.

You can use text message marketing to deliver personalized promotional messages to your prospects and customers, helping you boost customer engagement and generate more sales.

Text message marketing is budget-friendly and delivers a strong ROI when done right.

Web Analytics

Crowd Funding

Have an out-of-the-box business idea at the back of your head but lack the funding required to bring it to life?
Don’t let the lack of funding disrupt your growth.
With crowdfunding, you can raise funds for your project by raising a small or intermediate amount of money from a huge group of people via the Internet.
Some popular crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and Crowd Supply have helped numerous entrepreneurs receive much-needed funding and bring their idea to life.
So, what are you waiting for?
Just pitch your idea on a crowdfunding platform and receive the funds to kickstart your project.

Domain Research

Planning to establish your online presence? Before you ask your developer to build you that simple and sleek website that’ll make your audience go “Wow!”, you need to head over to a domain provider and choose a domain for your website. Planning to establish your online presence? Before you ask your developer to build you that simple and sleek website that’ll make your audience go “Wow!”, you need to head over to a domain provider and choose a domain for your website. A domain name is nothing but your website URL. It can make or break your business. The right one will create a strong business image, whereas the wrong one may discourage customers from buying your products or services.Before you start building your website, it’s extremely important to conduct thorough domain research and make sure it aligns with your business name and mission statement. This will help you:• Boost Your Search Engine Rankings• Increase Brand Awareness• Establish Your Business Identity• Select Easy-to-Remember Domain Names

Music Promotion

Let’s say you have recorded a new album and would like to share it with the world, yet you don’t have any fan-following on any digital platform.

So, how do you get your music out there? Your album deserves to be heard.

It’s important to have a good foundation for your personal brand. While you can distribute your music on different streaming sites like TIDAL, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Pandora, and so on, it’s equally important to promote it online via social media advertising, email marketing, word-of-mouth, and various other marketing tactics.

So, if you have an album or solo sitting in plain sight, now’s the time to harness the power of music promotion.

Affiliate Marketing

Another one of the oldest tactics in the book, affiliate marketing, is still widely used by businesses all across the world wanting to sell their products and services.

The following are the four parties involved in affiliate marketing:

  • Product Creators: These are businesses wanting to sell their products and services online. They run affiliate programs and provide each affiliate with a unique link, which they can use to promote the company’s products and services. Whenever there is a sale via this link, the affiliate is rewarded with a specific commission fee.
  • Affiliates: Affiliates promote the business’s products or services on numerous digital channels of their preference like email, social media, etc. Whenever there is a sale via this link, the affiliate is rewarded with a specific commission fee.
  • Networks: An affiliate network acts as an intermediary between the product creators and affiliates.
  • Consumers: Consumers are the ones who will be purchasing the product/service.

Mobile App Marketing

Two-thirds of the world’s population use their smartphones every single day.
When was the last time you logged into Amazon on your desktop? What most of us do is quickly launch the Amazon application on our mobile devices, browse our favourite products, and place an order.
That’s the universal way of ordering stuff these days.
With such an exponential rise in mobile usage, business owners should launch a highly functional and well-designed mobile application for their business, allowing their customers to interact with their business on the go.
That being said, it’s equally important to build a highly impactful strategy to promote your mobile application and get your audience to download it straight away.

Book & E-Book Marketing

 Publishing a book has never been easier. Whether your aim is to launch it digitally or in the form of a paperback, you can publish your book with ease.

But that’s not the hard part!

The hardest part is reaching out to your targeted audience – the ones who will most likely purchase and read your books.

Book and E-Book marketing involves building a result-oriented traditional and digital marketing strategy to help create promotional campaigns.

This involves launching your book on the platform(s) of your choice, promoting it online as well as offline, running paid ads, marketing on social media platforms, sending cold and targeted emails, and more.

    Podcast Marketing

    Planning to launch your own podcast, or are you struggling to attract traffic towards your channel?

    Podcast marketing involves applying the right set of tactics to get your podcast in front of a huge chunk of your potential listeners by innovatively promoting it on social media platforms, creating a content calendar, running giveaway contests, inviting guests, and submitting a podcast to podcatchers as well as aggregators.

    People love listening to podcasts, and when compared to blogs or videos, the world of podcasting isn’t that competitive.

    So, it’s time to mark your presence, build an out-of-the-box podcast marketing strategy, create truly value-adding podcast episode(s), and promote it in front of the maximum amount of your potential listeners.


    Surveys are a great way of getting your hands on actionable data. It’s one of the most applied tactics that entrepreneurs use before bringing an idea to life.

    Want to know whether your audience loves your products or services? Or whether you deliver a good customer experience? Maybe you want to know whether your audience will be interested in buying one of your upcoming products?

    You can either create a fairly simple Google survey or platforms like Formstack, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, AskNicely and request your audience to fill it in.

    A few of the benefits of surveys include:

        • Budget-friendly
        • Easily administered to the participants
        • Conducted entirely online
        • Easy data analysis and reporting
        • Receive candid responses

    Paid Search Traffic

    If you have recently started establishing your online presence, it may take months before you see any real progress organically.

    This doesn’t mean that you should sit back and wait for SEO to work its magic and boost your search engine rankings.

    You can run paid marketing campaigns to put your business in the search engine’s sponsored listings section for relevant keywords. Every time someone clicks on this ad, they’ll be redirected to your website, product landing page, or destination of your choosing, and you’ll be charged a certain amount.

    Some of the benefits include the ability to scale up quickly, attract targeted traffic, boost website traffic, increase sales, and grow your business.


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